Home 3 Portfolio

23.Home 3 Portfolio

Module position: tp-work

Module class suffix: Not Used

If you want your module this way, Go to backend: Extensions --> Module Manager --> New --> Select type as RokSprocket Module with the settings below:


Create a new RokSprocket module

Select your module Layout as "Mosaic"

Select your Content provider as "K2 Provider"

Choose the Theme as "Default"

Publish the module in "tp-home-work"


Once the module is created successfully You need to create a new "Custom html module"


Add the following html code in your custom html module

<div class="text-center">
    <h3 class="module-title "><span class="title-left">Some of our </span>
<span class="title-right">recent works</span>
    <p class="tp-sub-text">If you want to take it to the next level, you came to 
the right place.</p>
<div>{loadposition tp-custom-work}</div>

Make sure the Prepare content is set to YES.


Once the module is successfully created SAVE & CLOSE The settings

Last updated