Onepage testimonials

53. Onepage testimonials

Module position: onepage

Module class suffix: section5 clients tp-title-center tp-bg-gray

If you want your module this way, Go to backend: Extensions --> Module Manager --> New --> Select type as RokSprocket Module with the settings below:


Create a new RokSprocket module

Select your module Layout as "Quotes"

Select your Content provider as "Simple Provider"

Click on "Add New item" Button at right corner

Add your Contents in newly created tabs


Once the module is successfully created SAVE & CLOSE the settings


After created the Roksprocket module you need to create a new custom html module and follow the steps below

Once the module is created you need to add the following html code in your custom html module

<div class="container">
    <div class="col-sm-12">
        <h3 class="module-title tp-title-center"><span class="title-left">
Customers</span><span class="title-right"> we worked with</span>
        <p class=" text-center tp-sub-text" style="margin-bottom: 30px;">Sed ut 
Perspiciatis Unde Omnis Iste Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natu error sit 
voluptatem accusan tium Sed ut</p>{module onepage customers}</div>

Note: You can add your Roksprocket module in this custom html module, This is very simple you used No number's Module Anywhere plugin. If you are new to this simply follow the steps below to add your module inside the custom html module.


When you click the Insert Module button, New popup window will open, Here you can able to choose Which module to insert inside the custom html module. In our case we choosed the "onepage customers" module.


Once the module is created successfully SAVE & CLOSE The settings.

Last updated